Multi Position Winder

Multi Position Winder

2-Station A-frame winder in standard configuration

Cost-effective and customizable

Our multi-position winders are ideal for winding rolls with large diameters. Choose between an A-frame winder with extendable winding stations and a cantilevered version with fixed winding stations and lateral roll removal.

Further advantages: The machines are cost-effective in the standard version and yet individually adaptable. They can therefore be used universally for a wide range of materials. In addition, the A-frame winders also allow you to access the material for post-processing by unwinding it directly from the A-frame.

Standard or individual

Two-station, four-station or six-station winders consist, among other things, of proven system components such as material accumulator, slitting unit, pull roll unit, winding drive, A-frame cart, feed framework and machine control. In the standard version, roll diameters up to 1,600 mm and several material widths up to 2,200 mm are available. In addition, you can obtain individual versions with roll diameters of more than 2,000 mm, material widths up to approx. 4,000 mm as well as a wide range of special equipment.

Zweistellenwickler mit Warenspeicher in „Huckepack“-Ausführung
2-station A-frame winder with piggyback accumulator
Mehrstellenwickler – Option: Plattendurchleitung im 4-Stellen-Wickler
Option: equipment for passage of sheets

For production lines that manufacture both reels and sheets, there is also additional equipment for the easy passage of the sheets to the cross cutter and stacker – with well thought-out solutions for fast and convenient changeovers.

Easy and safe

It goes without saying that you don’t have to sacrifice ease of use and safety with these machines. Unique functions, such as automatic engagement of the winding drives, automatic cross-cutting or simple roll changes, make operation easier and turn these machines into a highly efficient solution.

4-Stellen-Wickler mit Spezialkanten
4-station winder with special A-frames
2-station cantilever winder

Ideal for sensitive materials

Additional special equipment, such as feeding aids and sensitive drives, make the machines ideal for use with sensitive materials. The extensive modular system allows a wide range of applications.

More Pictures of Multi Position Winders